Additional Storyboards & Short stories
Below are some additional story and beat boards I created, storyboard exercises and short stories I invented.
exercise | May 2020
Here's a storyboard I created over the weekend to practice camera moves. I only wanted to board the part of a dragon turning into a person. However, I thought a little bit of story wouldn't hurt, so I just went straight ahead and added the rest.
In my mind, it's a story about two dragon shape shifters. But one got stuck in dragon form, and only a rare magical plant would allow him to turn back... dun dun dunnn!! ;) I hope you enjoy it!
exercise | December 2019
I re-boarded the final scene from Disney's Tarzan to practice drawing camera moves. Still one of my favorite animated movies!
exercise | november 2019
I re-boarded a scene from The Iron Giant to practice drawing camera moves. What a wonderful, funny and heart-warming movie this is!!
Inktober| October 2019
Through October I participated in the online #Inktober initiative – to post one ink drawing per day. I decided to tell a little story about cows and their farmer, who has a terrible singing voice.
While I think the drawings aren’t perfect (but then again, it’s the actual meaning of #Inktober, to improve over a month ;)), I’m still quite happy with the overall story. I hope you guys like it!

Birthday boy | October 2019
A (rough) sequence about a boy who wants his Mum back home for his birthday.
click through the storyboards boards using the left and right arrows
For a quick overview, see the images below
Keep scrolling for the next story!
wide awake | April 2019
A story about a sleepwalking tightrope walker that suddenly wakes up!
click through the storyboards boards using the left and right arrows
For a quick overview, see the images below
Keep scrolling for the next story!
dual nationality | April 2019
Loosely based on a true story – in human form ;) Two grandmothers fighting for the affection of their grandchild!
click through the storyboards boards using the left and right arrows
For a quick overview, see the images below
Keep scrolling for the next story!
float | beat board | April 2019
A young Buddhist monk has a hard time to concentrate during meditation because of all the visiting tourists with their gadgets disturbing the quiet of the monastery.
When an old monk tells him about a magic flower that brought enlightenment to Buddha, he goes on a journey full of adventures to find it in the hopes it helps him to learn true meditation. When he finally discovers the secret place, he is devastated to find out the flower has long been gone. But there, far away from society and its disturbing noise, surrounded only by breathtaking nature, he for once is able to clear his thoughts and… begins to float like the elders.
Returning to the monastery the old monk reveals him the true magic: It was never about a flower, but the true key to meditation, to find inner peace, lies within yourself. Our little monk has now no problem finding the right state of mind and can meditate everywhere – no matter what buzzing cellphones and talking people are around.